Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants

Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants

Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants : Are you considering dental implants and wondering which type is right for you? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide between basal implants and conventional implants.

That’s why we’ve created this informative table to help you compare and contrast the key features of each implant type. Whether you’re concerned about the diameter of the implant, the number of pieces involved, the need for immediate loading, or other important factors, our table will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

As a patient, you deserve to feel confident in your dental implant choice, and our goal is to help you achieve just that. So take a look at our comprehensive comparison table and start exploring your options today.

Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants
Basal vs Conventional : Implant Placement
Basal Implants Cost in Gurgaon
One Piece Basal Implant, after surgery the abutment is visible and must put a crown

Dental Implants in Just 4 Weeks

Regain Your Perfect Smile With US FDA No Risk Conventional Implants

Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants

ParameterImportance for PatientsBasal ImplantsConventional Implants
InventorCreator or developer of the implant systemProf. Stefan IhdeDr. Per-Ingvar BrƄnemark
WhenHistory of success determines, types of varied cases and referrable literatrue of long term success1990s1950s
Where is Implant PlacedSpecific location in the jawbone where the implant is placed. It is an important consideration as the location of the implant can affect the overall success and if failed from where implant will be removedOuter bone hard part of jawboneInner spongy bone, easy remodelling
Success RateHigher success rates mean better long-term outcomesGoodExcellent
Bone Density RequirementDetermines suitability for implant placementSuitable for low bone densitySuitable for all bone types
Supporting LiteratureDemonstrates reliability and effectivenessVery Limited supporting literatureExtensive supporting literature
US FDA ApprovalEnsures safet, testing and effectiveness by United States Food & Drug AdministrationNot ApprovedApproved
Diameter of ImplantAffects stability and strength of implantSmaller diameter, often 3.3-3.5mmLarger diameter, often 4-6mm
Number of PiecesTwo piece implants can simplify placement and reduce complications, gives opportunity to place final teeth as required not possible in single pieceSingle pieceTwo piece
How Implants Integrate with boneDetermines level of osseointegration and implant stabilityNo Integration, they are screwedScrewed in and bone formation around implant
Implant RetentionDetermines ease of maintenance and replacement. If implant gets loose (fails) is it possible to removeNo its Permanent,Removable easily
Load CapacityDetermines time until full restoration is possibleImmediate loading as no osseotegration is required.Delayed loading (between 4 weeks to 4 months)
Final Crown or Prosthesis Load timeDetermines time to load crown or prosthesis Can be placed immediately Bone formation is required, Although teeth can be given in a day, but without putting load on implant
Retrieval DifficultyEase or difficulty of removing implant if implant fails everExtremely difficult to removeVery easy to remove
BrandsDifferent brands have different featuresBOI, BCS, IHDE DentalStraumann, Nobel Biocare, Dentsply Sirona, Dentium, Osstem, Adin, AB Dent
Input CostEstimated Cost in manufacturing CheaperCostlier
Basal Implants vs Conventional Implants

Why Should you Avoid Basal Implants

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