Understanding Peri-Implantitis : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Common Name(s): Implant Infection Dentistry Standard Name: Peri-Implantitis Dental Condition/Symptoms: Inflammation, Bleeding Gums, Looseness of Implant Dental Procedure: Thorough Cleaning, Surgical Intervention Dental Device: Specialized Instruments, Surgical Equipment Procedure Time: Varies (Depends on Severity) Recovery Time: Several Weeks to Months Dental Specialty: Periodontics Understanding Peri-Implantitis : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment What is Peri-Implantitis? Peri-implantitis is … Read more

Low Cost Dental Implants : [How Cost Is CUT]

Low Cost Dental Implants : [How Cost Is CUT] Low Cost Dental Implants : In the pursuit of affordable dental implants procedures, some practitioners may employ questionable techniques that compromise the overall quality and success of the treatment. Understanding these cost-cutting measures is crucial for patients seeking reliable and long-lasting results. Here is list of … Read more

Immediate vs Delayed Implants (Placement)

Immediate vs Delayed Implants (Placement) Immediate vs Delayed Implants : In the world of dental implants, the choice between immediate and delayed implants is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the outcome of the procedure. Let’s delve into the specifics of each approach to shed light on the key differences. It’s crucial to note … Read more

How Dental Implants Work

How DENTAL IMPLANTS WORK How Dental Implants Work Imagine your natural tooth as a tiny superhero in your mouth, fighting the daily battles of chewing, speaking, and smiling. Now, let’s introduce the sidekick – the dental implant. This unsung hero works seamlessly to restore your dental landscape. So, how do dental implants work their magic? … Read more

Dental Implant Healing Stages Unveiled

Dental Implant Healing Stages Unveiled Embarking on the path to dental implant recovery is a transformative process that unfolds in distinct stages. As we explore the nuances of dental implant healing stages, we’ll address common questions related to dental implant healing time, tooth implant recovery time, and more. Understanding Dental Implant Healing Stages 1. Initial … Read more

How to Fix Failed Dental Implant : A Comprehensive Guide

How to Fix Failed Dental Implant : A Comprehensive Guide Failed dental implant, can be distressing and very often painful situation.. However, understanding the causes and knowing how to address the issue is crucial for a successful resolution. In this guide, we will walk you through the common questions associated with failed dental implants and … Read more

Comparison of Dental Implant Brands in India :: Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics

Comparison of Dental Implant Brands in India Dental implants brands in India comparison by Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics R& D team. If you are wondering what are the best implants for your teeth? If you want to compare dental implant brands in India, but not sure what parameters you should consider to compare … Read more

Single Piece Implants vs Two Piece Implants

Single Piece Implants vs Two Piece Implants Single Piece Implants vs Two Piece Implants : Choosing the right dental implant can be confusing, especially when it comes to deciding between single piece implants and two-piece implants. Many people feel unsure about which option to go for. To help you understand the differences better, let’s compare … Read more

All Dental Implants Questions Answered

Dental Implants Are The Best & Permanent Solution For Missing Teeth All Dental Implants Questions Answered Over the years we have come across patients asking questions regarding dental implants, here is a repository of all the dental implants questions. Please feel free to add more questions at the bottom if your questions is not already … Read more