Orthognathic Surgery : Questions Answered

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery : Questions Answered

Orthognathic Surgery : Welcome to a journey of transformation and renewed confidence – today, we unravel the realm of Orthognathic Surgery. This jaw correction surgical marvel isn’t just about reshaping jaws; it’s about rediscovering comfort, function, and a radiant smile.

What is Orthognathic Surgery?

Orthognathic Surgery, often referred to as jaw surgery, is a specialized procedure aimed at correcting irregularities in the jaw and facial structure. It goes beyond mere esthetic enhancement, addressing functional issues that may impact bite, speech, and overall oral health.

Why is it Done?

Individuals opt for jaw alignment surgery to address a range of concerns, including misaligned jaws, difficulty chewing or speaking, and even breathing problems. Orthodontic sugery comes as a last option, when jaw correction with braces is not completely sucessful.

Who Performs Orthognathic Surgery?

Orthognathic surgery is performed by oral & maxillofacial surgeon. This is an intra disclipnary procedure, where an orthodontist is part of the team. Usually before and after the sugery orthodontic interventions are needed.

What are the Benefits?

  • Enhanced Facial Harmony: Achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial profile.
  • Improved Bite Function: Experience a more efficient and comfortable bite, enhancing your overall oral function.
  • Boost in Confidence: Addressing jaw irregularities often results in increased self-esteem and confidence.
  • Better Oral Health: Correcting structural issues contributes to improved overall oral health.
  • Comfort in Daily Activities: Well aligned jaw means enhanced comfort while eating, speaking, and performing daily activities

Frequently Asked Questions

Is orthognathic surgery a major surgery?
Orthognathic surgery is considered a major surgical procedure, involving the repositioning of the jaw to correct functional or esthetic issues. The complexity of the surgery may vary based on individual cases. Decision to undergo the surgery usually is taken when other orthodontic options have not benefitted the patient
Is orthognathic surgery worth it?
The decision to undergo orthognathic surgery depends on individual circumstances and goals. For many, the benefits in terms of improved function, esthetics, and confidence make it worthwhile.
Can you kiss after jaw surgery?
After jaw surgery, patients are advised to be cautious with physical activities. It’s essential to follow the post-operative guidelines provided by the surgeon, which may include restrictions on certain activities, including kissing, during the initial recovery period.
How painful is jaw surgery?
Jaw surgery involves some level of discomfort, but pain management measures are typically implemented to ensure the patient’s comfort. The intensity of pain can vary among individuals and is often well-managed with prescribed medications.
Is jaw surgery unsafe?
When performed by a skilled and experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon, jaw surgery is generally safe. However, like any surgical procedure, it comes with inherent risks. These risks are carefully evaluated and discussed with patients before the surgery.
Why is jaw surgery risky?
Jaw surgery carries risks due to the complexity of the procedure and potential complications such as infection, bleeding, or nerve damage. These risks are thoroughly explained by the surgeon during the pre-operative consultations.
Can you talk after jaw surgery?
Talking after jaw surgery may be challenging initially due to swelling and discomfort. However, as the recovery progresses, speech improves. Patients are encouraged to practice speech exercises as part of the rehabilitation process.
What is the success rate of jaw surgery?
The success rate of jaw surgery is generally very high, especially when performed by skilled surgeons. Success is measured by the achievement of functional and aesthetic goals, and patient satisfaction.
Does jaw surgery last a lifetime?
Jaw surgery aims to provide lasting results. However, individual factors and natural aging processes can influence long-term outcomes. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon and maintaining oral health contribute to sustained benefits.
Is 30 too late for jaw surgery?
There is no strict age limit for jaw surgery. If a patient is in good health and a suitable candidate, jaw surgery can be considered at age 30 or beyond. The decision is based on individual needs and circumstances.
What is the age limit for jaw surgery?
There isn’t a specific age limit for jaw surgery. The eligibility depends on factors such as overall health, bone density, and individual needs. Consultation with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon helps determine suitability.
Will jaw surgery change my face?
Yes, jaw surgery can alter facial appearance by improving symmetry and balance. The extent of change depends on the specific corrections made during the surgery.
What is class 3 surgery?
Class 3 surgery refers to corrective procedures for Class 3 malocclusion, where the lower jaw protrudes more than the upper jaw. It is a type of orthognathic surgery addressing misalignment issues.
Do people look better after jaw surgery?
Many people experience a positive transformation in their appearance after jaw surgery. Beyond aesthetic improvements, the procedure often enhances facial harmony and symmetry.
Can I get jaw surgery without braces?
In some cases, jaw surgery can be performed without braces, but orthodontic treatment is often a part of the overall plan to achieve optimal results. The treatment approach depends on individual needs and the surgeon’s recommendation.
How can I reduce my jaw without surgery?
Non-surgical options for jaw reduction may include braces, clear aligners, botox injections or other cosmetic procedures. However, the effectiveness of these methods varies, and results may be temporary.
Is it better to get jaw surgery or braces?
The decision between jaw surgery and braces depends on the nature of the jaw misalignment. While braces can address certain issues, jaw surgery may be necessary for more complex cases to achieve comprehensive corrections. As a clinician we always suggest to try out non-surgical options for jaw correction, first.
Who needs jaw surgery?
Individuals with significant jaw misalignments, bite problems, or facial asymmetry may benefit from jaw surgery. A thorough evaluation by an orthodontist helps determine the necessity.
What is Type 3 jaw surgery?
Type 3 jaw surgery typically refers to corrective procedures for Class 3 malocclusion, where the lower jaw protrudes. This classification is based on the Angle classification of malocclusion.
How much does jaw surgery cost in India?
The cost of jaw surgery in India typically ranges from 60,000 to 80,000 INR. However, the actual cost may vary based on factors such as the complexity of the case, the surgeon’s fees, and hospital charges.
Can you eat after jaw surgery?
After jaw surgery, there is a gradual transition from a liquid to a soft diet. Patients are advised to follow specific dietary guidelines provided by the surgeon to ensure proper healing and minimize discomfort.
Who is the best jaw surgeon in India?
Determining the best jaw surgeon depends on individual preferences and needs. Dr. Varun Kochhar, at the “Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics,” is renowned for her expertise in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Is jaw surgery safe in India?
Jaw surgery in India is safe when performed by qualified and experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons. The “Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics” prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction in every procedure.
Is jawline surgery permanent?
Jawline surgery aims to achieve lasting results, but individual factors and natural aging can influence the longevity of the outcomes. Maintenance of oral health and regular follow-ups contribute to the permanence of the results.

Choosing the path of Orthognathic Surgery is a significant decision towards a more harmonious and fulfilling life. As you contemplate this transformative journey, consider entrusting your smile to the expertise and personalized care offered at the “Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics.” our dedicated team are committed to guiding you through every step, ensuring not just a correction of form but a celebration of your unique, confident self. Your radiant smile awaits – let’s embark on this transformative voyage together

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