Bruxism Treatment : Natural Remedies and Causes

Bruxism Treatment : Natural Remedies and Causes Bruxism Treatment: Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding or jaw clenching, is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If left untreated, it can lead to dental issues, jaw pain, and even severe headaches. In this article, we will explore the best approaches to address bruxism, … Read more

How Braces Work : A Guide for Beginners

How Braces Work: A Guide for Beginners How braces work : If you’re thinking about getting braces to improve your smile, it’s important to know how they work. Braces are a common dental treatment that straightens teeth and jaw, it can also fix bite issues. Today, we’ll explain how braces work. Let’s explore the fascinating … Read more

Fluorosis : Causes and Treatment

Fluorosis : Causes and Treatment Fluorosis is a dental and skeletal condition that occurs due to excessive intake of fluoride over a prolonged period. Dental fluorosis or mottled teeth is marked by increased porosity of the enamel of teeth (a condition known as ā€œhypomineralizationā€œ). In the ā€œmoderateā€ and severe forms of fluorosis, the enamelā€™s porosity increases … Read more

Overcoming Disadvantages of Root Canal Treatment

Overcoming Disadvantages of Root Canal Treatment Disadvantages of Root Canal Treatment : When a tooth infection reaches the canals of tooth, which causes immense pain and discomfort and taking immediate action is a must. Infection can eat away tooth structure and the bone in which it resides.Despite some disadvantages, root canal treatment (RCT), also known … Read more

10 Benefits of Zirconia Crown : Best Teeth Cap

10 Benefits of Zirconia Crown : Best Teeth Cap Zirconia crown or zirconia teeth or zirconia cap or Full Ceramic cap, Metal Free cap, All Ceramic have gained immense popularity in modern dentistry due to their exceptional strength, durability, and aesthetics. Crafted from zirconium dioxide, a ceramic material renowned for its biocompatibility, zirconia crowns provide … Read more

Single Piece Implants vs Two Piece Implants

Single Piece Implants vs Two Piece Implants Single Piece Implants vs Two Piece Implants : Choosing the right dental implant can be confusing, especially when it comes to deciding between single piece implants and two-piece implants. Many people feel unsure about which option to go for. To help you understand the differences better, let’s compare … Read more

All Dental Implants Questions Answered

Dental Implants Are The Best & Permanent Solution For Missing Teeth All Dental Implants Questions Answered Over the years we have come across patients asking questions regarding dental implants, here is a repository of all the dental implants questions. Please feel free to add more questions at the bottom if your questions is not already … Read more