Cosmetic Dentist – How to get pearly white teeth?

Best Cosmetic Dentist Gurgaon

Cosmetic Dentist – How to get pearly white teeth? Who doesn’t want to have great looking smile with pearly white teeth, but may not be possibly for many reasons. A few reasons like DentalĀ fluorosisĀ  – a disease which degenerates the enamel of the teeth due to hypomineralization caused by ingestion of excess fluoride. In many … Read more

Risks of Dental Implant Surgery

Risk of Dental Implant Surgery

Risks of Dental Implant Surgery Risks of Dental Implant Surgery : Most studies report a 95% or better success rate with dental implants, risks of dental implant surgery are minimal an. Even then just like any surgery, dental implant surgery poses some health risks. Although problems are rare, and when they do occur they’re usually … Read more

Real Cost of Dental Implants

Real Cost of Dental Implants

Real Cost of Dental Implants Real cost of dental implants: Being a specialized dental implant center and having done over 3000 implants now, we believe we are in a position to comment on this. Dental Implants as a permanent solution for dental issues has been gaining ground for over 10 years now. But, what is … Read more