Comparison of Dental Implant Brands in India :: Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics

Comparison of Dental Implant Brands in India Dental implants brands in India comparison by Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics R& D team. If you are wondering what are the best implants for your teeth? If you want to compare dental implant brands in India, but not sure what parameters you should consider to compare … Read more

Porcelain Veneers Cost : Transform Your Smile

Porcelain Veneers Cost : Transform Your Smile Porcelain Veneers Cost : Want to transform your smile and boost your confidence? Porcelain veneers might be the answer you’ve been searching for. In this article, we’ll walk you through the world of porcelain veneers cost, the different types available, what they’re made of, and why they’re often … Read more

Understanding IPR (Interproximal Reduction) and Its Role in Teeth Straightening

Understanding IPR (Interproximal Reduction) and Its Role in Teeth Straightening Interproximal Reduction : This procedure often comes up in the context of teeth straightening (braces, ortho appliances or clear aligners), this is also know as stripping or IPR for short. If you’ve heard this term and wondered what it means and how it contributes to … Read more

Root Canal Treatment Alternatives

Root Canal Treatment Alternatives : Making an Informed Choice Root Canal Treatment Alternatives : When faced with the possibility of a root canal treatment, it’s natural to consider alternative options. After all, the prospect of a dental procedure can be daunting, and seeking different paths is only human. Let’s explore some common alternatives and understand … Read more

Comparison of Dental Fillings: GIC vs. Composite Fillings

Comparison of Dental Fillings: GIC vs. Composite Fillings Composite fillings : When you have cavity or decay in tooth, you need dental fillings. There are two popular options are Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) and Composite Resin. These dental materials are used to restore decayed or damaged teeth and improve oral health. Let’s see how these … Read more